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July 2023 Bulletin - 07/18/2023
July 18, 2023
July Spotlight: New Resources for Self-Employed People and Oregon Employees!
Paid Leave Oregon has several new, helpful resources on paidleave.oregon.gov:
- Paid Leave Oregon Self-Employed Guidebook
- A fact sheet on how to check employee contributions
- A chart showing employees the minimum and maximum contributions and contributions for 2023-2024
The guidebooks and fact sheets are available in 11 languages.
Self-Employed Guidebook: If you are self-employed, you can sign up for paid leave coverage to help protect you during life’s most important moments. If you chose to participate, you are eligible for up to 12 weeks of coverage just like regular employees.
Our new Self-Employed guidebook explains the program, your benefits, and has everything you need to help make this decision.
“How to check employee contributions” fact sheet: If you want to make sure your employer is taking out your paid leave contributions correctly, this new resource will help you understand what you should be contributing, and why.
Example of payroll contributions: We recently updated our payroll contributions chart that shows example contribution and weekly benefit amounts at different income levels. The redesigned chart features both the minimum and maximum weekly benefit you can expect once benefits start in September 2023.
Employers — Remember to file your quarterly combined payroll reports by July 31
Paid Leave Oregon is part of the employers' quarterly tax report. The second quarterly report is due Monday, July 31. Almost all employers and employees in Oregon are covered by and contribute to Paid Leave Oregon.
- Submit your second quarterly reports electronically with Frances Online or by paper Form OQ (Quarterly Employer Tax Report) and Form 132 (Oregon Employee Detail Report); and
Submit your second quarter payments to the Oregon Department of Revenue on Revenue Online.
Top questions from “Contact Us”
Visitors to our website can use the “Contact Us” button to ask questions about Paid Leave. Here are answers to two common questions.
1. Question: When can I apply for Paid Leave?
Answer: You can apply on August 14 using Frances Online. Benefits start September 3 with payments out within two weeks.
2. Question: What is Senate Bill 999 (SB 999), and how will it affect Paid Leave Oregon?
Answer: SB 999 passed during the recent legislative session, and the governor signed it into law in June.
The goal of the bill was to align Paid Leave Oregon regulations with the Bureau of Labor and Industry (BOLI) regulations for Oregon Family Leave Act to make things easier for working Oregonians and employers. We are currently partnering with BOLI on rules, and we will have more about the implementation of this legislation in the August bulletin.
News and Events
Benefits Explained
If you are an employee or community member and want to learn more about Paid Leave Oregon benefits before they begin in September, this is the series for you!
Join us Thursdays on Zoom, July 30 through Sept. 28, for a presentation and opportunity for questions and answers. All are welcome. ASL and Spanish interpretation provided. Please register in advance.
Paid Leave Oregon is coming to local communities!
Come visit Paid Leave Oregon staff at an event close to you. Look for our table and come say hello. We are excited to meet you and answer your questions. Check out the news and events page for the full list.
Portland: Parental Leave in Practice Summit — Monday, July 24
Salem and Keizer: Fun Friday Summer Resource Fairs — Friday, July 21; Friday, July 28; and Friday, Aug. 4
Bend: Balanced Bend Mental Health Festival — Sunday, Aug. 13
We are always looking for new opportunities to connect. Request an event using our website today.
Here are what Oregon employees are saying about Paid Leave:

When my daughter was born, she needed to go to the NICU. She had health complications, and we needed emergency care at a month old. I didn't have paid leave available, so I had to go back to work quickly. I remember being at work wondering if my baby was going to be safe and healthy and keep breathing while I was gone.
I had this oxygen monitor for her that I could check on my phone. I'd be sitting at my desk at work, hiding my phone under it watching those oxygen numbers. Her caregiver was competent, but I was sick with worry.
When I think back to it, nothing about that situation was normal. It's a moral injury to separate parents from their infants when we are measuring their lives in days and weeks. If I had paid leave, my child's early months would have been less traumatic for all of us. Thank you, Oregon, for caring about families.
Real Voices
We want to hear your stories about how Paid Leave Oregon will help you and your family. We will use these stories, using your first name only, on social media and marketing materials to show Oregonians what having paid leave will mean for you. Please email us your story at paidleaveconnect@employ.oregon.gov.
Opportunities to join Paid Leave Oregon and the Oregon Employment Department
Are you passionate about providing benefits to others and ensuring businesses, small employers, and employees are treated fairly? Consider joining the Paid Leave Oregon team. Additional Oregon Employment Department job openings are posted in Workday.
Contact Paid Leave Oregon
Form: Contact Us
Email: paidleave@oregon.gov
Call: 833-854-0166 (toll-free)