Paid Leave Oregon Bulletin

Paid Leave Oregon Rulemaking Notice - 04/04/2023
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Help build Paid Leave Oregon!
Please join us Wednesday, April 12, or Monday, April 17, for an upcoming rules advisory committee (RAC) meeting.
We want to build a program that is fair and meets the needs of all Oregonians. We encourage you to attend so you can share your feedback, concerns, and recommendations. We welcome your ideas, and we want to hear your experiences. You can help us build a better program for all Oregonians.
Paid Leave Oregon is currently working on 35 administrative rules about benefits and assistance grants, contributions and recovery, and equivalent plans, covering such topics as:
Rules about benefits and assistance grants
- Clarifying calculations of benefits, contributions and recovery, and penalties
- Explaining the minimum benefit amount
- Determining what happens if your benefit payment is lost, stolen, or destroyed
- Clarifying the application requirements for assistance grants
Rules about contributions and recovery
- Specifying the criteria for imposing and collecting penalties and overpayments
- Clarifying situations when an employee is required to provide a written notice to their employer
- Determining how voluntary income tax withholding can occur
- Clarifying the order recovery payments will be applied to balances owed
Rules about equivalent plans
- Clarifying application requirements, and the amount of time applicants will have to respond if clarity is needed
- Clarifying how disputes between an equivalent plan employer and an employee are to be handled when a hearing is requested
- Clarifying when an equivalent plan can be terminated by the Department
Public meetings
We invite you to register and listen in on a RAC meeting in April on the 35 draft administrative rules. If time allows at the end of the meetings, we will be accepting public comment. If time does not allow for public comment during the meeting, please see the instructions below to provide your feedback by email.
You can register and attend one of our virtual rulemaking advisory commitee meetings on:
Benefits and Assistance Grants:
Wednesday, April 12, 2023, 1–4 p.m.
Contributions and Recovery, Equivalent Plans:
Monday, April 17, 2023, 9–11 a.m.
To register, please click on the meeting you wish to attend. If you need to participate by phone, Zoom will provide you with the conference line number after you register.
If you need an accommodation, including language translation, please email no later than three business days before the public hearing with your accommodation request.
How to submit public comment
If you cannot attend the hearings virtually and still want to provide comments on Paid Leave Oregon rules, written comments may be submitted by email to no later than Friday, April 21, 2023, at 5 p.m.
The agenda and rule summaries are available on our website. You can contact Paid Leave Oregon at, or you can contact the rules coordinator at and we will do our best to help. We are happy to answer any questions.
Free help
The Oregon Employment Department (OED) is an equal opportunity agency. OED provides free help so you can use our services. Some examples are sign language and spoken-language interpreters, written materials in other languages, large print, audio, and other formats. To get help, please call 833-854-0166 (toll free). TTY users call 711. You can also send an email to
Stay Informed
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Best regards,Anne Friend, Agency Rules Coordinator
Paid Leave Oregon
Oregon Employment Department
Website: OED Rulemaking