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October 2022 Bulletin - 10/17/2022
October spotlight: “Model Notice” poster now available
Employers now have a new tool to share information with their employees about Paid Leave Oregon. The model notice poster informs employees about benefits and tells them about their rights and duties under the program.
Employers must post the Paid Leave Oregon model notice poster at each work site, and they must share it electronically or by mail to any remote workers. Employers must post and send the model notices no later than January 1, 2023.
Employers are required to post the model notice in a clearly visible place where employees regularly see it. The model notice should be displayed or sent out in the same language(s) the employer uses to communicate with employees. The poster is available in 11 languages and can be downloaded or printed from the Resources section of the Paid Leave Oregon website.
Additional resources for employers
Employer guidebook: The guidebook is now available on our website in six languages and found on our resources page. This guidebook provides detailed information for employers about the Paid Leave Oregon program including employer responsibilities and detailed contribution and benefit information.
OFLA-FMLA Comparison Chart: This chart, designed in partnership with the Bureau of Labor & Industries (BOLI), shows the differences between Paid Leave Oregon, the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and the Oregon Family Leave Act (OFLA). It is also available on our resources page.
News for employers from the Oregon Department of Revenue
Starting Jan. 1, 2023, employers will be required to start withholding contributions for Paid Leave Oregon.
Starting with the first quarter of 2023, employers will report Paid Leave Oregon subject employee wages, employee contributions based on those wages, and employer contributions on a revised Form-OQ (Oregon Combined Quarterly Report). The Form OQ is filed with OED through Frances Online.
Also starting with the first quarter of 2023, contribution payments will be made to the Oregon Department of Revenue (DOR) on or before the due date of the Oregon Combined Quarterly Report (the last day of the month following the quarter to which the report relates).
Starting with the first quarter of 2023, employers will also begin reporting Statewide Transit Tax withholding on the Combined Quarterly Report. However, annual Statewide Transit Tax filers will continue to file through Revenue Online or by paper using the Form STT-A. Statewide Transit Tax reporting for tax periods prior to the first quarter 2023 are still reported through the current process directly to DOR in Revenue Online or using the old paper reports (e.g. Form STT-1, Form STT-2, Form STT-A).
The payment voucher, Form OR-OTC-V, and Revenue Online, have been revised to include a line for employers to make their Paid Leave Oregon and Statewide Transit Tax payments. Employers will have the same payments options currently available—ACH, Revenue Online, cash, check, or money order. The best way to pay is electronically on Revenue Online.
If you have questions about reporting your contributions to the Department of Revenue contact: 503-930-5206; joil.a.southwell-jr@dor.oregon.gov
Upcoming Events
Paid Leave Oregon continues its Community Conversations through 2022. This is an opportunity for employers, employees, and community members to learn more about the Paid Leave Oregon program.
The virtual webinars include a 20-minute overview presentation by a member of the Paid Leave Oregon team, followed by time for questions and answers.
- Thursdays in October, 3-4 p.m.
- Tuesday, November 15, 7-8 a.m.
- Thursdays, December 1, 8, 15, 3-4 p.m.
All sessions have American Sign Language (ASL) and Spanish interpreters. Paid Leave Oregon will also host Facebook Live events in November. Please stay tuned for more on Paid Leave Oregon events.
Opportunities to join Paid Leave Oregon and OED
Are you passionate about helping others and ensuring businesses, small employers, and employees are treated fairly? Consider joining the Paid Leave Oregon team at the Oregon Employment Department. Job openings are posted under Employment Department in Workday.
Contact Paid Leave Oregon
- Form: Contact Us
- Email: Paidleave@oregon.gov
- Call: 833-854-0166 (toll-free)
Spread the Word
Do you know someone who might be interested in learning about Paid Leave Oregon?
Send them a link to our website, and encourage them to sign up for email updates!