Paid Leave Oregon Bulletin

January 2023 Bulletin - 01/17/2023
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Jan. 17, 2023
January spotlight: Collecting Contributions
As of Jan. 1, 2023, employers began withholding their employees’ contributions for Paid Leave Oregon. This month, we spotlight three ways to make this process easier.
- Prepare: Use our employer toolkit as a quick-start guide. The guide includes a helpful contributions fact sheet, and the Employer guidebook explains contributions in more detail.
- Connect: Frances Online is our new modernized system where you will report contributions every calendar quarter. You can register and login on Frances Online. Frequently Asked Questions, resources, and support for the Frances Online system are also online.
*As a reminder, you only need your Business Identification Number (BIN) or federal ID number to create an account in Frances Online and start reporting contributions. Paid Leave Oregon does not require a separate account number other than your BIN or federal ID.
- Seek additional support (if needed): Paid Leave Oregon is a new program. We understand you may have questions or concerns, and we are ready to support you.
For questions about Frances Online:
Web: State of Oregon: Modernization - Frances Online
Call: 503-947-1488 (choose option 2)
For questions about Paid Leave Oregon:
Web: Contact Us (form)
Call: 833-854-0166 (toll-free) (Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.)
New online resources
We have new resources you should know about:
- The Frances Online employer e-services portal (along with the employer interactive assistant) is now available in Spanish. At any point in their Frances Online session, employers can click the “Español” toggle in the upper right of their screen to change from English to Spanish.
- Self-employment forms are now on our Resources web page. Self-employed people can choose Paid Leave Oregon coverage. Start by creating an account on Frances Online or filling out a paper form.
- A model notice template for equivalent plan employers is online.
- A memo from the Oregon Department of Revenue explaining how taxes work for Paid Leave Oregon is online.
Making an impression
Last fall, we launched a statewide outreach and advertising campaign to raise awareness about Paid Leave Oregon and contributions starting. Since Nov. 14, 2022, the campaign has generated more than 8.6 million impressions and counting. Impressions are the number of times content is displayed to users from outside sources. To date, our radio ads, mailers, search engine advertising, digital video and YouTube ads have brought more than 160,438 new visitors to our website. Our video, “Employers, get ready for Paid Leave Oregon,” has more than a million views.
This week, we launch new videos of real Oregon employers sharing what paid leave means for their businesses.
Upcoming events
Community Conversations continue in 2023. This is an opportunity for employers, employees, and community members to learn more about the Paid Leave Oregon program. All sessions have American Sign Language (ASL) and Spanish interpreters.The virtual webinars include a 20-minute overview presentation, followed by time for questions and answers.
- Thursdays, Jan. 19 & 26, 3-4 p.m. | Please register in advance
- Thursdays, Feb. 2 & 9, 3-4 p.m.| Please register in advance
We are excited to announce a new series Contributions Explained beginning Tuesday, Feb. 28. Employers can learn more about Paid Leave Oregon and how to file their first Oregon Quarterly (OQ) report. All sessions will have American Sign Language (ASL) and Spanish interpreters.
- Tuesdays, Feb. 28-March 28, 3-4 p.m. | Please register in advance
Coming soon: Paid Leave website gets a new look
Paid Leave Oregon will soon launch a refreshed website in six languages: English, Spanish, Russian, Vietnamese, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese. The website will have new features, including a contributions calculator, videos, a quick exit button, and more. Many of these changes came directly from community feedback.
The website,, will remain the same, but links to resources from the current website may change.
Opportunities to join Paid Leave Oregon and OED
Are you passionate about providing benefits to others and ensuring businesses, small employers, and employees are treated fairly? Consider joining the Paid Leave Oregon team at the Oregon Employment Department. Job openings are posted under Employment Department in Workday.Contact Paid Leave Oregon
Form: Contact Us
Call: 833-854-0166 (toll-free)