نشرة برنامج الإجازات مدفوعة الأجر في ولاية أوريغون

July 2022 Bulletin-Website Announcement - 07/13/2022
New Paid Leave website
Paid Leave Oregon has refreshed its website and now is available at: paidleave.oregon.govThe website is more user-friendly, and the information you want is easier to find. It has:
- Information for employers, employees and self-employed people
- Frequently asked questions
- Rules on how the program will work
- Program resources and fact sheets
- A “Get Involved" section with:
- Information on upcoming engagement opportunities
- A way to request for the Paid Leave team to present to your business or organization
- A contact form, where anybody can submit questions to receive a response within two business days. We encourage employers, employees and the public to use this form to contact us with questions.
This winter, Paid Leave Oregon will launch a new comprehensive website in 11 languages, which will include interactive tools for employers and employees. We will announce later when that website is available.
Want to learn more about Paid Leave?
More information about Paid Leave Oregon is online at paidleave.oregon.gov